White Brush,
Chaparro Blanco
Aloysia gratissima, Verbenaceae, Verbena Family
Description: Slender, aromatic, much-branched shrub
with long spikes of white flowers
Height: To 15 ft, usually half that
Flowers: Numerous, small, tubular, white flowers in terminal,
elongate clusters (spikes); following rainfall any time of year
Fruit: Small, dry, two nutlets enclosed in calyx
Foliage: Simple, opposite, drought-deciduous, shape varies with
moisture received, vanilla-scented,usually toothless
Spines: Unarmed
Bark: Tan or gray, young twigs four-sided
Growth Rate: Fast, pioneer species in abandoned farm fields
Sun: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Various, poor, sandy, caliche, gravelly
Drainage: Well
Water: Low, drought tolerant
Maintenance: Pruning back results in more flowers and more
compact growth
Propagation: Seed, cuttings
Native Habitat: Gravelly hills, chaparrals,
thickets, woodlands
Wildlife Use:
Nectar - bees, butterflies
Leaves - Cattle, Sheep, Goats Cover
Comments: An attractive ornamental profusely flowering
in landscapings