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The NPP has published 5 native plant handbooks. Click on the cover or title of each to view the  web version.

Native Shrubs

Of the Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Landscape Uses and Identification

published by the NPP

 available at the Valley Nature Center and other Booksellers

Now available in a online version!

Native Trees

Of The Rio Grande Valley , Texas

Landscape Uses and Identification

published by the NPP

 available at the Valley Nature Center and other Booksellers

Now available in an HTML version

Native Cacti, Ground Covers and Vines 

of The Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Landscape Uses and Identification

published by the NPP

available at the Valley Nature Center and other Booksellers

Now available in an HTML version

Native Pond and Wetland Plants

of The Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Landscape Uses and Identification

published by the NPP

available at the Valley Nature Center and other Booksellers

Now available in an HTML version

Butterfly Gardening with Native Plants

of The Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Landscape Uses and Identification

published by the NPP

Index for Butterfly Gardening Handbook 

available at the Valley Nature Center and other Booksellers

Now available in PDF version. Right click the link and choose "save target as" to download.

 All  are currently on sale at the Valley Nature Center in Weslaco. 

Content by the Native Plant Project - P.O. Box 2742 - San Juan, TX  78589
All Rights Reserved
Revised: May 15, 2012
 This site designed and maintained by Bert Wessling ( bwessling AT gmail DOT com ) Comments Welcomed.